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A ballistic separator is a tool that sets apart products like stones, glass, metal, as well as rubber, from the strong waste by passing the waste over a blade. Alternating sets of paddles are 60 to 120 levels out of phase from the adjacent paddle to give anxiety of the product stream in addition to the deck.
When it comes to garbage dumps, the first three words that come to most people's minds are dirty, messy, and smelly.
Qunfeng Heavy Industry recently launched a multi-functional waste treatment equipment -- organic matter separator, the equipment covers a small area, set a variety of functions as one, for the waste treatment field applications to bring a new upgrade!
The wind separator is also called the wind crusher. By coarse crushing, fine crushing, wind conveying, and other devices, using the form of high-speed impact to achieve the purpose of the crusher The The use of wind energy into a single powder.
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