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  • Waste Sorting System for Municipal and Household Waste

Waste Sorting System for Municipal and Household Waste

    Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) is resulting from domestic and business activities of cities and towns. The composition of this urban waste is highly variable depending on the location, the climate and the degree of economic and social development of each country.

Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), or household waste, consists of discarded everyday consumable items. This general waste is normally put into a black bag or bin and contains a mixture of wet and dry recyclables, organic, inorganic and biodegradable materials, including food waste, containers, cans, cartons, product packaging, newspapers and card.

At all events, they are usually made by a heterogeneous set of materials, a percentage of which is made up by non-fermentable (inorganic) material, recyclable most of them.

The remaining material is organic waste which can be treated through stabilization, compost or anaerobic digestion.The profile survey of the input waste, allows us to optically dimension the facility and offer a treatment plant from which the client can obtain the maximum profitability.  Peaks-eco Recycling supplies high-tech mechanical treatments with several degrees of automation, depending on  client’s needs and requirements.

As one of the world’s leading system integrators, Peaks-eco knows what it takes to separate MSW into valuable recyclables on the one hand and high-quality RDF (Refuse Derived Fuel) on the other. With increasing regulatory pressure on landfilling untreated MSW and the active search for alternative energy sources, energy-from-waste has become an important solution.

At Qunfeng, we build high-end turnkey installations that focus on recovering both valuable recyclables and energy from MSW. The purpose of the installation is to separate, sort and process valuable commodities, such as RDF, plastic containers, PET, Tetra Pak and glass, along with minimising the waste fraction that is sent to landfills.

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  • Add: Ningjin Industrial Park, Dezhou City, Shandong Province, China
  • Add: Xinhua International Plaza, Shilihe, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China
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Keywords: Waste transfer station,Mobile screen station,Mobile crusher and mobile crusher and screen,Mobile shredder ,Mobile shredder and screen